Arte e Artisti a Roma

Sezione Arte: PITTURA


Breve Nota Biografica

Nata a Vancouver, Canada nel 1963. Cittadina Italiana. 1976-81 Peter Aspel School of Art 1986 Laurea in letteratura inglese e americana (Università di Columbia Britannica) 1990 Diploma in illustrazione editoriale (Istituto Europeo di Design, Roma) Lavora nel suo studio al Palazzo Orsini (Bomarzo, VT).

Cliccate sulle miniature per ingrandire le immagini.

Breve Nota Critica


How are we to be judged, my fellow citizens,
if judgement is there to be:
By our narrow streets and minds, mean homes and hearts?
Or by the high spires and vast implicit vistas of our sum-total?
By our creeping customs and flying imagination?
By what we do now, by what we did then,
by that very little, if anything, which we would never do?

Or perhaps, as always, by the scream of a hunting dinosaur,
seeping through the cracks of pre-history and floating, white-hot,
atop the thin crust of our social contract?

Michael Korovkin

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